Useful Links
Interesting, Inspiring and Useful Information - Updated 09-12-11
- Magnetic Pulsing - Magnetic Pulser, Biotuner, Lightworks, Water Ozonator - Bob Beck Protocol
- The Open Source.TV - Free Health Documentaries
- Vitamin B3 (Niacin) found to reverse Alzheimers in Rats and improve their memory!
- Please Join Us Here For a Free 1-Minute Healing (Very Powerful!)
- Advanced Scientific Health (ASH) - learn how many are being saved from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, MS and much more just by giving the body what it needs. Don't miss this information and be sure to listen to the audio files
- How to make your own Natural Sports Drink
- The Wonder (Miracle) of Oil Pulling Therapy
- - Miracle Mineral Supplements Information
- Relax and take a Shark Break today!
- Cinnamon and Honey - bet the drug companies don't want this one getting around . . .
- New! Amazing Japanese Water Cure
- Juice Feasting - Restore Your Health and Vitality Now!
- Dr. Johanna Budwig Diet for Cancer, MS, Arthritis, etc.
- How the Lord Told Me To Cure Cancer by George Cairns
- The Jim Kelmun Protocol - Maple Syrup and Baking Soda Cancer Cure?
- Flax Meal and Oil and the Prevention/Treatment of Cancer
- Cancer-Free: An Easy Do-It-Yourself Approach Book by Bill Henderson
- Cancer Cure Reported - Nobody Notices - Buy DCA (dichloroacetate) HERE
- Reported Positive Treatment for Morgellons
- The Amazing 17-Second Energy Technique
- Sacred Heart Medical Diet
- Caveman Diet - Powerful!
- The Solfeggio Frequency Generator
- Healing Chant of Hideo Izumoto
- Tick Removal
- Take Dr. Phil's Personality Test!
- A Homeopathic Treatment For Morgellons, Chemtrails, etc.?
- Cancer and Lemon Juice
- Juicing With G - Lemon Juice
- Ginger Root - The Universal Medicine
- Make Your Own Tinctures
- Solfeggio Water Balancing Symbol experiment
- Complete Description of the Salt/Vitamin C Protocol for Lyme
- Don Nance Method of Making ORMUS and White Powder Gold
- Bone Marrow Brew - A Do-It-Yourself Curative
- Cure For Hiccups
- Recipes for "Thieves Oil"
- The Helicopter Pilot's Diet
- Optimal Diet - The Human Body Runs On Fat, Not Carbohydrates. Click HERE for PROOF That Saturated Fats Are Healthy. Click HERE For Absolute Scientific Proof Carbohydrates Are Pathogenic (the jury may be out on these theories but this information has helped many people suffering from heart disease and is provided for your information and consideration)
- Recipe For Black Salve
- Space Syrup
- How To Make Tasty and Health Water Using Charcoal
- Olive Leaf Extract Healing Bonanza
- Flu Fear Fighters
- Creation of Matter by Seth Through Jane Roberts
- Homeopathic Remedy for Vaccines
- The Amazing Solar Healing Sun Gazing Process
- Body Stance for Generating ORMUS
- Your Influence in the Vibrational Universe - The Teachings of Abraham!
- Listing of Acid and Alkaline Foods
- Take the Tibetan Test and Make Your Wish Come True (PowerPoint Slide File)
- A Message and Meditation From the Council of Angels
- Golden Ascended Masters Planetary Initiation and Protection Technique
- Water Blessings
- Important Stuff
- Healing Decrees and Commands (A Very Powerful Tool)
- A Technique for Magnetic Healing
- Creating Your Perfect Reality
- All Power To You
- 100 Quotes from "The Secret" Movie
- Sun Gazing and Solar Healing (Link1) (Link2) (MSN Group)
- Quantum Vibrational Radio Biology Balance
- Activated Charcoal Universal Antidote
- Activated Charcoal Poultice
- Urine Therapy - Your Own Perfect Medicine
- Remedy for Constipation by Dr. Jennifer Daniels
- Falling Asleep at Night
- Coughing Remedy
- Amazing CS H2O2 Nasal Sprayer
- The Virtue of Idleness
- Save Your Teeth and Be Well by Letter from Gerard F. Judd, Ph.D.
- Clarisa Bernhardt's Meditation For Angelic Help & Safe Travel
- Love Meditation
- Himalayan and Sea Salt Information
- Healing Properties of Honey and Cinnamon
- Healing With Cayenne
- Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water
- 18 Health Benefits of Lemon Water That Will Change Your Life
- Our Deadly Diabetes Deception
- Hawthorn Berries For a Healthy Heart
- Dandelion Root Cancer Cure by George Cairns
- Dr. F.R. Klenner's Protocol for MS
- Anunnaki's (Health Usenet Group) Health Protocol
- My Favorite Quotes
- My Favorite "Must Read" Books
- The Many Amazing Uses For Vodka
- Sai Baba and the Golden Egg
- Jon Rappoport Interview with Dr. X
- The Mr. Tracy "White Light" Chant: "White Light, White Light, White Light, completely surround me and protect me at all times. My aura is strong and getting stronger every day."
- The Chakra Wand: All You Need To Know!
Vitamin B17 Resources - Apricot Seeds - Laetrile
- (US Site)
Dr. Royal Raymond Rife Related
- Updated Frequencies As Reported By Researchers Worldwide
- Consolidated Annotated Frequency List (CAFL)
- Royal Raymond Rife, History and Photographs
- Rife Research, Europe - Excellent and Informative Resource Website
- Dr. Royal Raymond Rife Vintage CD Audio Library From The John Marsh Collection
- How Did Rife's Instruments Work?
- Ray Tube Facts and Fallacies
- Frequency generators: Analog Versus Digital . . . The Truth
- Rife Deposition
- 1939 Beam Ray Trial Transcript
- The Rife Forum
- The Rife Wiki Online Resources
- The Best Sine/Tone/Frequency Generator Software for Windows PC We Have Ever Found (Free for Our Customers/Members)
- The Cancer Cure That Worked Book available here
- Disruption of Cancer Cell Replication by Alternating Electric Fields
Dr. Robert (Bob) C. Beck Related
- Complete Bob Beck Paper in Adobe (.pdf) (Adobe Acrobat Reader Required)
- Bob Beck Paper on Subtle Energy (.pdf)
- Biocompatible Electric Current Attenuates HIV Infectivity
Colloidal, Ionic, and EIS (Electrically Isolated Silver) Silver Information
- The Real Facts on Colloidal Silver
- Colloidal Silver Resource Article (very good)
- The Silver List
- Colloidal Silver Frequently Asked Questions
- Colloidal Silver - A Necessity For Good and Bad Times
- Banishing Disease With Three 9-Volt Batteries Parts 1 & 2
- A Closer Look At Colloidal Silver
- Colloidal Silver: Some Research Areas Of Interest
- Colloidal Silver: The Rediscovery of a Super Antibiotic
- The Return of Silver In Medicine
- SilverSol - Excellent CS Technical Resource
- Suppressed Miracle Drug Rediscovered
- Colloidal Silver: The Universal Antibiotic
- What Exactly Is Colloidal Silver?
- Lunar Influence on the Electrochemical Production of Colloidal Silver
- Colloidal Silver: Historical Background
- Colloidal Silver and MS - Nancy's Story
- Hi Ho Silver Away! Mild Silver Protein and Its Effectiveness Against Internal and Topical Infections by James South, M.A.
- Another Procedure For Making Colloidal Silver
- Colloidal Silver More Questions and Answers
- Using Colloidal Silver via Oxygen Nebulizers
- Colloidal Silver Generators
Collgen2 - World Class Generator
Silver Puppy
The ZBB5 Silver Pulser
CS Pro Systems, Inc.
BIOPHYSICIA, Inc. (very cool machines!)
Custom Electronics - The Colloidal Silver Forum on Curezone (excellent!)
- (Medicinal Silver for Healthy Pets)
- (Talk and learn about natural super antibiotics)
- FDA Position On Colloidal Silver
- Candida Albicans - 7 Strains All Killed with Colloidal Silver
- - Great Informational Website On All Aspects of Colloidal Silver
- Mesocolloida - Very Pure Small Particle Colloids
- Nano Colloidal Production Units
- Samsung new washing machine uses silver to kill 99.9% of bacteria! (Oh! I guess it works fine for washing machines but not as a replacement for pharmaceuticals. Quackwatch will have to go after Samsung now!)
Lyme Disease Resources
- The GB-4000 Frequency Generator and GB-A4 Amplifier
- Doug Device Coil Machine
- EMEM Tube Machine
- High Power Magnetic Pulser
- The Lymebook
- Homepage of Lymebook Author
- Lyme Photos - Possible Cure for Lyme Disease Found Using Vitamin C and Salt
- Lyme Strategies - Another Website Describing the Vitamin C and Salt Procedure
- The Lyme Strategies Group on Yahoo
- Lyme spirochetes treated with 15 ppm colloidal silver - All Killed!
Hydrogen Peroxide Resources
- Excellent Source for 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
- More Great Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide Drops Reported
- Articles on Hydrogen Peroxide at Educate-Yourself
- Hydrogen Peroxide Handles Stomach Bugs
- Amazing Secrets They Don't Want You to Know
- Hydrogen Peroxide For Colds and Flu
- Hydrogen Peroxide Cures
- Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy by Gary Null
- Oxygen Therapy H2O2
Photoluminescence Therapy
- UV Light - Healing Power of the Sun
- Photoluminescent Therapy by Ron Kennedy, M.D.
- UV Health and Wellness Foundation
- UV Instruments
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
What do I feed my dog or cat?
Other Important Research Related Information and Links
- Fibiger's Work On Cancer and Sugar
- Cantron - Known to Reverse the Most Severe Health Conditions - Amazing!
- Ellagic Insurance Formula - Another effective formula for Cancer and Hearth Disease
- Graviola - The amazing cancer fighting tree from the Amazon
- Deceptions In Reporting Alcohol As Healthy
- Negative Impact of Sugar On Vitamin C
- Cold Remedies That Really Work (Hydrogen Peroxide and Ear Canal Infections...Amazing!)
- Curing the Common Cold and Flu
- The Medical Website Directory
- The Oath of Hippocrates
- Coconut Sugar - The Healthy Sugar
- QuitDay - Quit Smoking
- UK Addiction Treatment Centres
- Middlegate - Addiction Advice & Treatment
NOTE & DISCLAIMER: The information presented here is not intended to prevent, treat, or cure disease conditions or to affect the structure or function of the body. This information is for educational purpose only. It is not to be considered medical advice, diagnostic or prescriptive.

Important Links
- Colloidal Silver - Introduction
- What Exactly Is Colloidal Silver?
- Colloidal Silver FAQ
- Colloidal Silver Research Studies
- Colloidal Silver Articles
- The Real Facts on Colloidal Silver
- Blood Electrification
- Blood Zapper Comparisons
- Blood Electrification US Patent: # 5,139,684
- Blood Zapping Testimonials
- Magnetic Pulsing - (PEMFs)
- PEMF Shattering Cancer with Resonant Frequencies
- Dr. Robert C. Beck
- The Beck Protocol
- Dr. Bob Beck - Suppressed Medical Discovery
- Dr. Hulda Clark
- Vaccination - The Hidden Truth
- Nutricide - Codex Alimentarius
- Vitamin C - High Dose
- Vitamin D3 - Amazing Info!
- Dental Amalgam Controversy
- Water Fluoridation Controversy
- Science News 1991
- Highest Source of Fluoride - Non-Organic Food!
- Chlorella - Heavy Metal Removal
- Jane Burgermeister on Swine Flu Vaccine
- Amalgam/Mercury Fillings - News 12 Spot
- Swine Flu (A/H1N1) Vaccine Facts
- Dr. McDougall MD - The Perils of Dairy Products
- Dr. Royal Raymond Rife - A Brief History
- Healing Cancer From Inside Out
- Food Matters
- Dying To Have Known
- Acidic Vs. Alkaline Blood
- Molecular Hydrogen
- The Cancer Act 1939?
- CBD Oil