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EarthPulse v8 PEMF Device

EarthPulse v8 PEMF Device


EarthPulse v8 Sleep on Command PEMF Device Earthpulse™ v8 Sleep on Command is our full function 15 Program-Mode single-electromagnet PEMF therapy device. Guaranteed better sleep, accelerated short & long term...

EarthPulse v8 PEMF - Pro


Our top-of-the-line PEMF device for performance enhancement EarthPulse™ v8 Pro PEMF machineOur top of the line 2 Electromagnet PEMF machine with 15 Program Modes. The most powerful PEMF device under $10,000. Pulsed...

EarthPulse v8 PEMF - ProBasic


EarthPulse ProBasic PEMF DeviceThe v8 ProBasic is great for sleep, recovery, pets; basically anything our full function v8 Pro two magnet system does without the stepping up and down Sleep, Recover, Alert and...

EarthPulse PEMF v8 - ProPlus for Humans 4 Magnet P


PEMF ProPlus humans for 2 people sharing a bed (Pro)  EarthPulse™ v8 ProPlus for Humans 4 Magnet PEMF Device  The EarthPulse™ v8 ProPlus for humans PEMF machine comes with 4 high-intensity PEMF coils. The...
