The Multiwave Oscillator driver with Tesla Coil, white version. Please be aware that we will calculate the real transport costs for the delivery of the complete order afterwards. An extra invoice will be sent. With...
Multi Wave Oscillator MWO

Multiwave Oscillator finally approved in The Netherlands for distribution in March 2023!
The use of high frequencies/voltages at low current (in amperes) in living organisms such as plants, humans and animals has been the subject of medical interest for almost 100 years. The technique was invented around 1890 by Dr Nikola Tesla, a genius scientist, who also discovered alternating current. Thanks to him, we can make use of electricity in the home, street lighting, WIFI, Wireless Electricity (Electromagnetic Waves) etc. Since then, a lot of equipment using this technique has been put on the market.
The original device, the basis for MWO therapy, came from the French scientist Georges Lakhovsky, who worked in Paris around 1920. He developed the vision that the genes and chromosomes in all living cells are constantly in motion. He also reasoned that they function as small radio transmitters and receivers. Moreover, they would have a resonating frequency due to their size, shape and capacity.
When exposed to a wide range of electromagnetic waves from the lower part of the electromagnetic spectrum, cells absorb energy that match their resonant frequency when exposed to that energy, provided the strength of the magnetic waves is not too strong or too weak.
Lakhovsky has done a lot of research on the impact of this theory. However, the establishment was not charmed by the fact that he had developed a successful method.
Experiments with very high voltages have shown, with expert use, that physical pains can be treated very quickly and effectively. It also showed that infections and wounds heal very quickly. These high frequencies and voltages cannot be applied directly to the body.
The energy is conducted through a gas-filled lamp (argon or neon) or through an antenna system.
After a period of about fifteen to twenty minutes, the cells no longer absorb energy. If the exposure to magnetic waves lasts longer, the energy is repelled by the cells and no longer used. The energy of this device can therefore not damage or destroy a living cell.
Lakhovsky's Multiwave Oscillator was used with great success in Europe in the 1920s and 1930s, particularly in England, Germany, France and Italy. The equipment was large, heavy and expensive (relatively speaking). It was therefore only used in hospitals.
The 'Multiwave Oscillator Therapy' has been continuously developed over many years through repeated experiments, improvements and optimisation of the equipment. Mainly because of the reactions, advice and experiences (and also research) of people who use the equipment, the current device has come into being.
The electrical and chemical aspects of the human body, and the relationship between these elements, have been increasingly recognised in recent years. There is growing attention for these subjects. The phenomenon of electrostress and polarisation is also becoming much clearer and is open to discussion. On our website you can find a beautiful scientific piece by Prof. Cure. All you have to do is log in. In conclusion, from practical experience, more than 80% of all ailments are caused by mental and physical strain due to electrostress. We now know that a negative electrical charge depolarises cell membranes.
Electricity, just like chemicals, can be used in many different ways for medical purposes. Some chemicals are dangerous and harmful, others are useful because of their healing properties.
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2x Lakhovsky Antennas Stand
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Rife Phanotron 40
The Rife Phanotron 40 is a great addition to your Multiwave Oscillator. It has a wide range and easily fills a room with beneficial frequencies. Rife and his supporters say that all medical conditions have an...
Rife Phanotron 60
The Rife Phanotron 60 is a great addition to your Multiwave Oscillator. It has a wide range and easily fills a room with beneficial frequencies. Rife and his supporters say that all medical conditions have an...
Rife Phanotron Straight Tube
The Rife Phanotron Straight Tube is a great addition to your Multiwave Oscillator. In combination with the Multiwave Oscillator, the Rife Straight Tube can be very powerful due to the wide spectrum of frequencies...
Rife Tube Curved Orange
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Rife Tube Curved Violet
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Rife Tube Orange
Discover the power of the Rife Tube Orange from Meditech Europe. With a frequency spectrum of 200,000 Hz to 300,000 Hz, this innovative technology optimizes biological structures and promotes cell health. Perfect...
Rife Tube Violet
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RifeBox 40
The discharge of gas in the Rife lamp has a deeply relaxing effect. The frequencies it spreads give the body the information it needs to completely relax. In combination with the Multiwave Oscillator, the Rife...
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