A clean and fresh alternative to flossing! This oral irrigator cleans your teeth and gums easy and safe. No more hassle with floss wire or small brushes. From now on use the powerful water jet with three levels.
This oral irrigator is a clean and fresh alternative to flossing! This oral irrigator cleans your teeth and gums easy and safe, by using water pressure and air. No more fumbling in the bathroom with floss wire or small brushes. From now on use this wireless system that can be set on three levels, depending on the care that you want. In the first position, you can gently massage your fragile gums and stimulate your blood circulation. The second position will provide a massage under your teeth and that way the remove the bacteria and combat the viruses that make dental plaque. In position three, which gives a powerful water jet, the oral irrigator effectively removes food leftovers. Also, the water reaches the troublesome spots of your teeth.
How to use the oral irrigator? It is simple in use and self-explanatory. You fill it with water, plant the nozzle on top of it and then insert it into your mouth. With your mouth closed (and it must remain closed during treatment), you choose the treatment and the associated pressure level. It only takes a few minutes a day
The nozzle is also separately available, for when you might need to a replacement.