Magnetic Pulsing - (PEMFs)
Therapy with pulsating electro magnetic fields (PEMF) is a relatively new and very effective form of physical therapy. It is not a miracle, but simply a physical (or better, biophysical) modality used for accelerated therapeutic purposes.
PEMF is a very efficient and simple therapy method. By influencing the patient either generally or locally with a magnetic field packed in impulsed bundles, the cellular functions can be improved considerably. The pulsating magnetic field has a high biological effectiveness, and is being used in the medical field as a means of therapy and as a diagnostics tool.
Magnetic fields cannot be absorbed, therefore, it is difficult to produce field-free spaces when magnetic fields strike a material. We differentiate between paramagnetic substances, in which a bundling or a concentration of magnetic field lines occur, and the diamagnetic substances, in which a decentralization of the field lines results.
The patient's body is only insignificantly diamagnetic and paramagnetic; basically, it is neutral. So whenever field lines impact on the organism, or on parts of it they absolutely permeate these areas. Compared to known methods, this is the first important discovery. Within the range of magnetic fields, all parts of the body are penetrated completely by the field lines.
Human and animal organisms consist of a large number of cells which function electrically. If there is no electrical potential left in the cell, it is no longer viable. These cells have a basic (or rest) potential that is necessary for normal cellular metabolism.
Diseased or damaged cells have an altered rest potential. If the ions (electrically charged particles surrounding the cells) move into an area of pulsating magnetic fields, they will be influenced by the rhythm of the pulsation. The rest potential of the cell is proportional to the ion exchange occurring at the cell membrane.
The ion exchange is also responsible for the oxygen utilization of the cell. Pulsating magnetic fields can dramatically influence the ion exchange at the cellular level and thereby greatly improve the oxygen utilization of diseased or damaged tissues. The deterioration of the oxygen utilization is known to be a problem in several medical branches, expecially delayed healing and arthritis of joints. Thus, the wide range of indications are:
- Orthopedics, traumatology, rheumatology, after treatment of complicated and simple fractures, wound treatment, burns and degenerative diseases of the apparatus of support and locomotion.
- Coronary and Circulatory diseases.
- Disorders of the neurological system.
From clinical experiments, we know that Pulsating Magnetic Fields can reduce pain sensations almost immediately. This is due in part to the increase in the oxygen partial pressure in the terminal tissue and the increase in the local perfusion and velocity of the capillary blood flow alleviating the accumulation of metabolites due to small vascularization and blood flow (transmitted by the sympathetic nervous system).
There are no contraindications to Magnetic Therapy except in cases of hemorrhage or where electrical implants are in use. In contrast to chemical medicaments, there is no overdosage, at least within the field range that are presently used for treatments.
The PEMF therapy is a heatless therapy, therefore, all implants (except heart pacemakers) can be treated. Hospitals use PEMF therapy to accelerate the healing of patients with pins and bone plates because no damaging heat is produced in the implants. Fractures can be treated even through a plaster cast, since magnetic fields permeate all materials.
To effectively treat most conditions and to enhance the success rate, follow these priorities:
- Pain and Inflammation
- Stimulation
- Increase Circulation
Progress from 1-3 on each condition to take the cells through the healing process.
Ionization in a Cell
Magnetic Field Therapy (MFT) permeates all cells, enhances ion exchange, normalizes circulation, and increases the oxygen utilisation of the cell.
Normal cell potential = about 90 MV (millivolts)
Inflammatory condition = about 120MV
Degenerative condition = about 30 MV
Invisible magnetic field lines "permeate" all cells in the body simultaneously, down to the last molecular level -- reaching parts of the body that cannot be influenced efficiently with other methods.
Low Intensity- Low Frequency
1. Increased blood supply all areas - body & legs
Reduces Swelling
2. New blood vessels (revascularization) form where needed
Eliminates pain
3. Increased circulation of the blood throughout body & legs
No effect on heart rate or blood pressure
4. 200% increase in oxygen in blood - muscles, tissues skin
Injured and inflamed tissues regenerate faster... faster healing
5. Increased oxygen use by all cells in areas treated with pulsating Magnetic Field.
Ionic migration = movement of potassium, chloride, calcium, protein through every cell wall.
6. Polarizes in addition to standard polarization, the cell wall/membrane of all cells treated with PEMF therapy.
Improved energy condition of all cells treated with PEMF therapy.
Resistance and body defences against infection and inflammation are optimized.

Important Links
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- Blood Electrification US Patent: # 5,139,684
- Blood Zapping Testimonials
- Magnetic Pulsing - (PEMFs)
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