Drink fresh vital water activated by hydrogen! The H2Xtra hydrogen generator is designed with a high design standard and of the highest quality (engineered in Germany). Experience the taste and the effects of the...
Water Ionizers

Not only do these devices filter your tap water, but they also produce ionized alkaline and acidic waters through electrolysis. These waters can be used for various purposes including drinking, cooking, beauty, and cleaning.
Meditech Europe H2Xtra Hydrogen Generator
Meditech Europe IonExtra Water-Ionizer
The best Ionizer with the best techniques and the most delicious water. The Meditech Europe IonExtra water ionizer has a large multilayer filter with tourmaline and calcium instead of simple activated carbon. It...
Akai Ionizer PlusŪ MS900UV Cleaning Cartridge
Akai Ionizer PlusŪ Water Micro-Filtration, Ultraviolet Disinfection, Ionization - Cleaning Cartridge Optimum Health Begins With Healthy Water The Akai Ionizer PlusŪ is a unique combination of an advanced water...
New Products - Water Ionizers
Featured Products
€225.95 €215.00-5%
€44.95 €34.95-22%
€44.95 €34.95-22%
€89.95 €74.95-17%
€399.00 €329.95-17%
€19.99 €11.99-40%
€29.95 €14.95-50%
€649.00 €629.00-3%

Akai Ionizer PlusŪ M
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